Spoorthi Satheesha

Sporadic writer
Serial anthropomorphizer


ZK-Book - Chapter 5 - Abstract Algebra

Book Link - ZK Book

Chapter Link - Chapter-5: Abstract Algebra

This post hosts my notes for my studies using the ZK Book by Rareskills.

Why did I start with Chapter 5? Cuz I am an idiot who didn’t look at the Table of Contents. Thats why.


Type Closed Associative Identity Inverse
Magma ✔️      
Semigroup ✔️ ✔️    
Monoid ✔️ ✔️ ✔️  
Group ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Set - Well-defined collection of distinct elements $\mathbb{Z}$

Binary Operator - An operation that combines two elements from the set e.g addition

Closed Set - Set is closed under an operation if applying that operation to elements within the set always results in an element that’s still within the set

Magma - Set with closed binary operator

Semigroup - Magma but also associative

Associative - Grouping of operations doesn’t affect the result e.g $(a∗b)∗c=a∗(b∗c)$

Exercise: Work out for yourself that concatenating “foo”, “bar”, “baz” in that order is associative. Remember, associative means $(A \square B) \square C = A \square (B \square C)$, where $\square$ is the Semigroup’s binary operator.

$(foo + bar) + baz = foo + (bar + baz)$

$foobar + baz = foo + barbaz$

$foobarbaz = foobarbaz$

Exercise: Give an example of a Magma and a Semigroup. The Magma must not be a Semigroup. This means you must think of a binary operator that is closed but not associative for the Magma, and for the Semigroup, the binary operator must be closed and associative.


  1. Set of strings
  2. Operation TrimStart such that any instance of the first string from the beginning of the second string is trimmed


a = "fun" , b = "function", c = "functions" 

(a TrimStart b) TrimStart c != a TrimStart (b TrimStart c)
("fun" TrimStart "function") TrimStart "functions" != "fun" TrimStart ("function" TrimStart "functions")
"ction" TrimStart "functions" !=  "fun" TrimStart "s"
"functions" != "s"


  1. All positive integers excluding zero
  2. Operation Addition mod 3


a = 2, b = 8, c = 12

(a |+|3 b) |+|3 c  = a |+|3 (b |+|3 c)
(2 |+|3 8) |+|3 12 = 2 |+|3 (8 |+|3 12)
        1  |+|3 12 = 2 |+|3  2
                 1 = 1    

Monoid - Semigroup with identity element

Identity - Binary operation with an element = element e.g addition of positive integers with 0

Union - $\set{1,2,3} \cup \set{2,3,4} = \set{1,2,3,4}$

where, identity element is empty set $\set{}$

Intersection - $\set{1,2,3} \cap \set{2,3,4} = \set{2,3}$

where, identity element is the domain of the set itself $\mathbb{Z}$

Exercise: Let our binary operator be the function min(a,b) over integers. Is this a Magma, Semigroup, or Monoid? What if we restrict the domain to be positive integers (zero or greater)? What about the binary operator max(a,b) over those two domains?

$min(a,b)$ over integers

  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> yes
  3. identity -> no

=> Semigroup

$min(a,b)$ over positive integers and 0

  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> yes
  3. identity -> no

=> Semigroup

$max(a,b)$ over integers

  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> yes
  3. identity -> no

=> Semigroup

$max(a,b)$ over positive integers and 0

  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> yes
  3. identity -> yes $0$

=> Monoid

Exercise: Let our set be all 3 bit binary numbers (a set of cardinality 8). Let our possible binary operators be bit-wise and, bit-wise or, bit-wise xor, bit-wise nor, bit-wise xnor, and bit-wise nand. Clearly this is closed because the output is a 3 bit binary number. For each binary operator, determine if the set under that binary operator is a Magma, Semigroup, or Monoid.

Bitwise AND

A B &
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> yes
  3. identity -> yes $1$

=> Monoid

Bitwise OR

A B |
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> yes
  3. identity -> yes $0$

=> Monoid

Bitwise XOR

A B ^
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> yes
  3. identity -> yes $0$

=> Monoid

Bitwise NOR

A B |~
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> no
    (1 |~ 1) |~ 0 != 1 |~ (1 |~ 0)
        0 |~ 0 != 1 |~ 0
             1 != 0

=> Magma

Bitwise XNOR

A B |^
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> yes
  3. identity -> yes $1$

=> Monoid

Bitwise NAND

A B &~
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
  1. closed -> yes
  2. associative -> no
    (1 &~ 1) &~ 0 != 1 &~ (1 &~ 0)
        0 &~ 0 != 1 &~ 1
             1 != 0

=> Magma

Group - Monoid where each element has an inverse

Inverse - For every element $a$ , there is $a’$ such that $a \square a’ = i$ identity

Exercise: Why can’t strings under concatenation be a group?

Set - Strings with empty string

Operation - Concatenation

Identity - Empty string

For a given non empty string, there cannot be any other string, concatenating with which will result in an empty string. Therefore, it cannot have an inverse and its not a group.

Exercise: Polynomials under addition satisfy the property of a group. Demonstrate this is the case by showing it matches all the properties that define a group.

Abelien - Oredering of operations doesnt affect the result e.g $(a∗b)=(b∗a)$
